
エクセルに持っていくテキストデータ(text data processing before excel or other softwares)

perlで作るのも楽で、MySQLにもさくっと食わせることが出来るので、世間で言われているCSVでなく、TSV、つまりtab区切りテキストをしばしば作る。(I often produce the tsv -tab separate text -, not csv file, because 1. easy to produce by perl, 2.easy to load MySQL or other softwares.)
(But, if open the file with Drag'n'Drop or simply open, excel often do the conversion like back-seat driving. For example, just the value looks like date or the identifiers based of 384 plate(used in experiment) will be converted in wrong format, which seem common, and original values will be lost. So, I usually use like this; excel installed in corporate local PC will be added "text file import" to the tool bar, and check the data type for each column, load, and save as excel file. but...)

excel2007の困った仕様変更 (problematic spec change in excel2007)

http://yadiwonews.seflish-gene.org/20070615.htmlから(quote from this URL.)。


ううむ。昔mixi日記でも愚痴ったけれど、excelってどんどん馬鹿になって行ってるよなあ。やっぱりOOorgか。(Umm, I complained in mixi(SNS) diary, but this tendency is clear; excel becomes fool and fool by each version ups. In this mean, OOorg should be used?)


excelが原因のエラー、というのが、BMC Bioinformatics でペーパーになってたんだっけ。